How everyone is unique?

How everyone is unique?

We often listen that "We all are unique." 

But the question is "HOW???" 

Today, we will talk about "How everyone is unique?" 

According to science, human body is made up of Billions of cells.

These cells are made up of chromosomes. These chromosomes are made up of DNA (Deoxyribo nucleic Acid). These DNA's are made up of nitrogenous particles, which in every Human being are different. 

No human can have his composition of nitrogenous particles similar to other human being. 

Now here comes the beauty, the pride, the power, of Allah S.W.T, there are more than 7 Billion human beings live on Earth and not a single person's DNA could match with the DNA of another person. 

Even identical twin's DNA could not match with each other. 

That's why your finger prints can not match with the finger prints of any other person on Earth. 

Allah has made you UNIQUE. 

You are one in a Billion

You are UNIQUE. 

You possess that uniqueness that quality which other 7 Billion don't.

According to a data in 2017,  1,50,00 (approx) people die every day.

Everyday, Allah is giving you a new chance to discover your uniqueness and portray your wonders to the World.

You just need to find "Why?" of your life!


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